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Rate Assessment Books 

Scanned image of double page from old rates assessment book

YDHS has digital photographs of the Yankalilla District rate assessment books.


The rate assessment books are an invaluable resource for people trying to find out where their ancestors lived. 


This is an ongoing project, and extra books will be added as they are transcribed. Our thanks go to our transcribers: Trevor Chilman, Lynette Gibson, Merilyn McLaren and Margaret Morgan. If you are interested in joining this team of transcribers, just email us. You will be made most welcome.

PDF transcriptions have been prepared by volunteers from photographs of the Yankalilla district rate assessment books.


The photographs can sometimes be difficult to decipher, and so if the transcriber is not sure of a word or number it is highlighted in red, or the word “illegible” is inserted.


If you are unsure whether a transcription is correct, you can come into the Yankalilla Library on a Wednesday morning to view the photographs, or you can look at the original books, which are held at State Records, Gepps Cross.​

The Books

To search for a particular Section or Owner:

1. Click on the Rate Assessment Book for the town and year in which you are interested, e.g.

    Yankalilla 1862. A PDF file displays on screen.

2. Press the CTRL and F keys on your keyboard. A search box displays. Enter your keyword into the search box.


The Myponga books from 1857 to 1872 are missing. The surviving books start at 1873, and end in 1888 (after which Myponga became part of the District Council of Yankalilla).


Rapid Bay

The early Rapid Bay books are missing. The surviving books start at 1876, and end in 1932 (after which Rapid Bay became part of the District Council of Yankalilla).

Yankalilla & District Historical Society supports the cultural, spiritual, ecological and economic regeneration of the Aboriginal peoples of this place assisted by the actions and power of individuals, organisations and governments.

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PO Box 421, Yankalilla 5203

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