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Talisker Silver Lead Mine

Rarkang Rd, Cape Jervis

State Heritage Place No 12552.

The old Talisker mine is part of Talisker Conservation Park. There are walking trails through the old mining ruins with interpretive signs.

The discovery of a deposit of galena was made by John McLeod in 1862 and the Talisker Mining Company was formed. Captain Jenkins and son came to manage operations together with twenty Cornish miners. Shafts were sunk, the ore hauled to the surface, bagged, and taken in bullock wagons to Fishery Beach where it was crushed and dressed.

In 1864 Captain W.Henry Price became the manager and the mine expanded. Two townships were built to house the miners, Silverton and Silverton Extended. The township had an eating house, hotel, store, school and a chapel. Machinery was installed for the production of silver-lead ingots. The silver and lead were shipped from Fishery Bay. Mining was continued until 1870 and resumed in 1890 but a constant struggle with water eventually caused the mine to close in 1897. In 1935 several small companies tried their luck to no avail.

YDHS resources relating to this place 

31 photographs
38 documents

Talisker Silver Lead Mine

Resources last updated June 2024

To access photos and records contact the Society. 

Yankalilla & District Historical Society supports the cultural, spiritual, ecological and economic regeneration of the Aboriginal peoples of this place assisted by the actions and power of individuals, organisations and governments.

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