8 Cheeseman St, Normanville
This cottage was probably built in 1857, of bricks made at Robert Norman's brick kiln situated on the banks of the Bungala River. Robert Norman sold this block to Robert Holland in February 1857. Robert Holland is described in the Boothby Almanac for 1866 as a 'wharfinger', meaning that he had charge of the maintenance of the jetty and of the collection of wharfage dues from shipping. From 1866 to 1875 he was also Bailiff of the Local Court. Robert Holland died in 1878, and his widow Bridget then rented the property out.
A later owner of the house was John Cheesman who bought it in 1951. John Cheesman was born at Yankalilla in 1876, and was the grandson of John and Barbara Cheesman who came to South Australia in 1840 on the 'Rajasthan'. Cheeseman Street was originally known as Jetty St, but the name was changed in 1995 and named after this family.
YDHS resources relating to this place
2 photographs
Historic Place Report no 91

Resources last updated June 2024
To access photos and records contact the Society.