54 Main St, Yankalilla
Thomas Willmott, a labourer, bought a quarter acre allotment from J.W.Heathcote in 1860 and built this house. Unlike many of his near neighbours, Willmott was not a Roman Catholic, but was a member of the Church of England. He was a warden for Christ Church in 1885. He married Mary Granner (his second wife) in 1859 and they had six children, but three of those died at under three years of age. Willmott died in 1889 and was buried in Christ Church cemetery.
After the death of Willmott his widow rented the house to various people, including John Ware for six years. John Ware was a settler of long standing, and had worked for Henry Kemmis on Manna Farm in the early days. In 1897 the house was sold to Eliza Fowler, the wife of bootmaker John Fowler, and then in 1904 to August Weylandt. He rented it for some years to Margaret Kelly ('Granny Kelly'), whose father Patrick Dahill had built the house at 56 Main St.
YDHS resources relating to this place
1 photograph
Historic Place Report no 41

Resources last updated June 2024
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