112 Main South Rd, Yankalilla
This house was built, probably in 1867, by Thomas Roads, the original owner of the land, for his daughter Henrietta. Henrietta married Hugh Smith on 11-3-1858. Hugh was the son of John and Janet Reid Smith, who arrived in South Australia on the 'Epaminondas' on Christmas Day 1853.
Hugh's father was a butcher and had his shop at 78 - 80 Main St Yankalilla between 1856 and 1860. Hugh was also the brother of James Smith of Brookside and the cousin of storekeeper Alexander Smith. Hugh was apprenticed to Charles Robertson, the town blacksmith.
Henrietta and Hugh had eight children between 1858 and 1871 (two of whom died young) while living at Yankalilla, and another in 1873 after they left Yankalilla. After leaving Yankalilla they rented the house out before selling it to Joe Woodcock in 1878.
YDHS resources relating to this place
1 photograph
Historic Place Report no 123

Resources last updated June 2024
To access photos and records contact the Society.