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Members' Tour and Social Activity November 2022

Historic Hillsley Station

Members' Tour Hillsley Station

After being postponed twice because of wet weather, several enthusiastic members visited Hillsley grounds on Saturday, 27 November, despite an on-again off-again drizzle that began as we gathered at the front gate.The current managers of Hillsley, Geoff and Jenny Burnage hosted our recent visit, and kindly transported our folding chairs, etc., to the picnic area/sports ground which has served as a social gathering area for local families over many decades, with an adjacent stone cooking shed (including a cast-iron wood stove), where we sheltered to eat our picnic lunches. Afterwards botanist Paul Green gave us a guided tour of the fruit, nut and other remnant tree plantings made about 170 years ago by Dr Everard, a keen horticulturist, who is credited with introducing the pomegranate and mulberry trees to the colony.

Yankalilla & District Historical Society supports the cultural, spiritual, ecological and economic regeneration of the Aboriginal peoples of this place assisted by the actions and power of individuals, organisations and governments.

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