There are three types of YDHS events.
General meetings
Every second Monday evening in February, March, April, September, October and November. Speaker at 7:00pm for 20 - 30 minutes. Followed by meeting and supper.
YDHS Friday Talks
Speaker at 10:00am for 40 - 50 minutes, then question time and morning tea.
March, May, July, September and November
Members' Tours and Social Activities
A range of activities, two to three times a year
Upcoming events
Rob Malone
Native Vegetation Heritage Agreement Anacotilla Gorge
Monday 14 April 2025
7:00pm (General YDHS meeting)
Yankalilla Library Meeting Room
181 Main South Road
Bookings not required
Rob and Pamela are applying for a Native Vegetation Heritage Agreement for the Anacotilla Gorge which is home to magnificent ancient red gums, many nesting species of birds and a haven for other fauna.
If successful, the agreement will ensure the ongoing rejuvenation and protection of the gorge into the future. Rob will discuss what the Heritage Agreements is, the ongoing requirements it places on the owner and opportunities for grants.
Caption: Anacotilla Gorge

Time Travel to
Meet the Mitchells
A Festival Fleurieu Event
Wednesday 23 April 2025,12:00noon
Yankalilla Public Cemetery
Bookings essential
In person: Fleurieu Coast Visitor Centre
Phone: 08 8558 0240, email
Travel back in time to meet the Mitchell family and see their story brought to life. Join a bus tour of historic Yankalilla, Hay Flat and Bald Hills sites relating to the Mitchell and Hoskin families.
Start with a burial and end with a wake, see where they lived, died and were buried.
The tour stops for visits to the Murch/Hoskin house, Mitchell Cottage and the renovation journey of Gully House.
Caption: Hoskin House
Margaret Morgan
Doing the Graveyard Shift
A History Month SA event
Friday 23 May2025
10:00am (YDHS Friday talks)
Yankalilla Library Main Hall
181 Main South Road, Yankalilla
Booking required. Ph. 8558 2043 or email
Question and Answer style.
This Friday talk is linked to a SA History Month event the following day on Saturday 24 May at which the booklet Cemeteries of the Yankalilla District will be launched and a tour of the Normanville Wesleyan Cemetery (behind the RSL Hall)
Caption: Headstone of John Butterworth