There are three types of YDHS events.
General meetings
Every second Monday evening in February, March, April, September, October and November. Speaker at 7:00pm for 20 - 30 minutes. Followed by meeting and supper.
YDHS Friday Talks
Speaker at 10:00am for 40 - 50 minutes, then question time and morning tea.
March, May, July, September and November
Members' Tours and Social Activities
A range of activities, two to three times a year
Upcoming events
Tom Gara
Aboriginal people on the Southern Fleurieu Peninsula
Friday 24 January 2025
10:00am (YDHS Friday talks)
Yankalilla Library Main Hall
181 Main South Road, Yankalilla
Booking required. Ph. 8558 2043 or email
Tom Gara is a South Australian historian who has specialised in Aboriginal history. In the 1980s and 1990s he worked with Kaurna people from the Adelaide area and Kokatha and Warungu people from the Gawler Ranges and the West Coast on a range of historical and heritage research projects. He has published several papers on post-contact Kaurna history.
Caption: Tom Gara
Taylor Lupp
Colonel light’s Campsite Rediscovered at Rapid Bay
Saturday 8 February 2025
10:30am (YDHS Friday talks)
Yankalilla Library Main Hall
181 Main South Road, Yankalilla
Booking required. Ph. 8558 2043 or email
Rapid Bay was named by South Australia Colonial Surveyor General Colonel William Light who landed there on 8 September 1836. It was Colonel Light’s base camp for months, with some of his survey crew stationed there from November to January. Inspired by her passion for history and metal detecting, Taylor searched this site from 2019 – 2024, discovering stories and relics of the past. This talk showcases what she uncovered.
Caption: Rapid Bay by John Michael Skipper 1836
Jo Lush
The Vets of the Valley:
Monday 10 February 2025
7:00pm (General YDHS meeting)
Yankalilla Library Meeting Room
181 Main South Road
Bookings not required
Inman Valley has a strong connection to Vietnam veterans, and the community often comes together to honor and support these veterans. On 9 February 2025 Jo Lush is launching her book The Vets of the Valley: Vietnam at the Inman Valley Community and Memorial Hall.
At the YDHS General Meeting the following day, Jo will talk about the process of bringing this book to fruition.
Caption: The Vets of the Valley: Vietnam